Healing Blog

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There is a societal belief that as we grow up, we need to get serious. We go to work, raise children, and pay our bills. We learn the need to be rid of those fanciful activities and ideas that brought passion into our youth. Slowly but surely as the years unfurl, we discover that the only place passion might be left is in the bedroom. And the key words are “might be left”. Reinventing weight loss is about bringing more joy into your life by achieving two goals at one time: Living more passionately AND losing weight. MORE

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You might be thinking: “I had abundance but now I have nothing. Those #@$& in Congress can’t figure out how to get our economy on track.” Perhaps you lost your job and replaced it with one that pays half what you used to earn. You had to file personal bankruptcy or you lost your business or home. MORE

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A home is just a place that provides shelter, right? Wrong! Your home is sacred space. Your home can hold you, make you feel comfortable and safe: it will nurture and inspire you. Your home longs to be a place of joy and laughter, of passion and peace. MORE