Podcasts | J & Cindy Sitting in a Tree, Season One
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In this podcast with Ryan Silver of “Advice Givers,” Cindy’s most revealing interview to date, she has the time to go deeper into her past and explain more of her work today.
Listen and take advantage of a special offer from Cindy.
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful day for some, while others struggle with it. How do you feel about it? How does your partner feel about it? Let’s chat about it.
Do you like to argue? Most people do not. Your approach to disagreements can be a healthy part of your relationship. Hear about our own journey and how to play nicely.
The holidays are over. We survived! Did you? Listen to the ups and downs with our full house. Lots of people, gadgets, food, fun and stories.
Meet Rob Seidel (r), Cindy’s Ex-husband. Hear how they carve out time within this trio for each other in this expanded family.
Part two of holiday bliss prep, J & Cindy discuss managing expectations, carving out space, gift giving and J introduces a bigger mike.
In part one, J and Cindy have fun going over some of the activities that will prepare them for the holidays in this four-part series.
What happens when your great gift kind of flops? Do you have a meltdown, get angry, feel frustrated, or do you go with the flow?
On Maimah’s Pure Bliss Show, Cindy and Maimah discuss how to find and keep people (tribes) in their lives to nurture beauty in their lives. Cindy introduces Maimah to her Happiness Minis.
How do you decide how to decorate the house, man cave, and yard? When should you stand and when should you keep silent? Join us for our couples decorate podcast.
A dear friend passes away. Hear how we dealt with the grief and how it made us appreciate each other even more.
How doyou change in relationship? What happens when you change? When should you change? Why should we change?
It’s been a rough week in the world. From the attacks during the marches in Charlottesville, VA, to the terrorist attacks in Barcelona, Spain. We discuss how to do our part to stop hurtful actions in our own home and relationships.
Are you considerate or care-taking your partner? Do you know the difference? Do WE know the difference?
LISTENER’S TOPIC REQUEST. Hear Jay explain to Cindy what the “Try-Something-New Jar” is. Learn that Cindy has at least five positions she’d like to try. Listen to the conversation slide off topic.
Do you meet your expectations? Does your partner meet your expectations? Does the media affect how you think you should behave?
Honor thy Ex. Most of us have Exes. Cindy and J call them “Practice Partners.” How do you deal with them? Accept them? Avoid them? Understand them? Happy Birthday, Cindy!
We talk about the importance of not losing yourself while in the relationship. You SHOULD have things you do by yourself that feed your soul and make you smile.
We go over a wonderful Mother’s Day.(Sarcasm here) We talk about how we dealt with a tough day … then the week. We did it. Not fun. But real.
We answer questions from our listeners. Money, secrets, cross-dressing, illness and the mother-in-law. Wow, we covered a lot of ground on this Podcast. Recorded in STEREO for two ears.
Cindy finally wins, and we talk about sex during a podcast. Yikes! The faint of heart should not listen to this … oh and any of J’s family or friends or work colleagues shouldn’t listen.
So, I got angry, what’s the big deal? How do we respond to our partner’s anger add fuel to the flame or help put out the fire? Oh … and then we start to talk about sex. SEX!
Crazy things our spouses make us do. Good crazy and Never Again crazy. Want your hubby to get a mani-pedi, please? No wine or whining for a week? Get your current husband help your former husband decorate the tree? You are not alone.
Mario and his Brothers are getting more time than “Lonely at home.” J & Cindy discuss how to draw out a spouse and NOT draw out a spouse (start a fight). Opinions fly about why do people cheat.
J is a fine artist. Cindy is a Life Coach/Energy worker. Both have had their ups & downs. Now they share this “perfect” relationship (not!), with you.
To pet or not to pet, could this be THE sex episode? J & Cindy talk about how pets can be a challenge to the relationship, plan a date night and see each other in a deeper way.
J and Cindy get into Podcast 2 and get into it with 20+ questions, a bit of role reversal, asking, answering, listening and saying what you think you might mean. Listen.
Have a snow day with us. Find out how we weather relationship storms with mountain man J and trained conflict heroine Cindy.
Cindy and J start the conversation about what they’ll talk about, what they usually talk about and what they will talk about. They also introduce their past and present.
In Your Words
"Cindy took me from a grief-stricken, unsure, over-extended mess to relieved, self-assured, drama-allergic person with confidence to return to her well of knowledge when needed."
"Cindy Battino has been an expert guest on Savvy Central Radio several times, and has shared her knowledge and wisdom on such topics as energy healing, living authentically, divorce, relationships, forgiveness and growth. Her insights will open your mind and heart to all the possibilities that exist to finding true happiness and passion in your life. " - Christina Nitschmann host of Savvy Central Radio