Video Library

The Quest for Happiness. How will your life change?
Tuesday, 3.1.16

Cindy responds to the question about her new program: The Quest for Happiness. How will her client’s lives change?
She speaks about the journey of a life greater than your life is at present. More information is on our Program page.


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The Quest for Happiness
Wednesday, 2.17.16

Cindy talks about her new program: The Quest for Happiness, What Else Do You Do? It is an honor for Cindy to walk this path with her clients.
You are courageous enough to address changes in how you think, live, respond and believe in order to find beauty, brilliance and passion daily.

More information is on our Program page The Quest for Happiness


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On a Mission Video
Friday, 8.28.15

Cindy is on a mission to change how divorce is done.

Cindy tells her audience, “We don’t do divorce well in this country, we don’t do marriage well either…” “…how people divorce traumatizes children and families.” “I can help because I know the secrets of healthy divorce.”

Take a moment to listen to this excerpt from one Cindy’s many radio broadcasts. If you think you are heading for divorce or know someone in need of help, start here first.

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In Your Words

“I am learning that the stories we tell about ourselves-and the stories we believe about ourselves-are important, and I believe they become our truth.” - J. Katz

“Using a unique process Cindy guides you through your own personal journey of transformational change by having you examine your story. This results in you focusing on your positive intentions.” - K. Reid

"My work with you has been and will continue to expand my life in so many ways and I am thankful for your talents and for all the help you have given me. You are a gift Cindy." - Erin K.