Video Library

One Woman’s Experience Video
Tuesday, 7.28.15

Listen to the real-life words from a client who sought help from Cindy when going through a divorce.

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De-crapping Your “NO” Video
Saturday, 2.7.15

Yes, you read it. De-crap. Cindy Battino, owner of Transformational Healing and Lisa Geraci Rigoni, owner of Leave it to Lisa, have come together to help people shift their lives from chaos to peace, overload to empowerment, and fear to self-acceptance. Cindy and Lisa have created the C.R.A.P. method to rid you of the crap that is holding you down and back from your true essence.

As featured speakers at the Sterling Women’s January Luncheon, Lisa and Cindy show their audience easy ways to help you start seeing changes in your life/business immediately.

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Five Lessons Video
Tuesday, 9.16.14

Cindy discusses Five Empowering Lessons to she will share as a keynote speaker for your next conference.


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In Your Words

“I am learning that the stories we tell about ourselves-and the stories we believe about ourselves-are important, and I believe they become our truth.” - J. Katz

“Using a unique process Cindy guides you through your own personal journey of transformational change by having you examine your story. This results in you focusing on your positive intentions.” - K. Reid

"My work with you has been and will continue to expand my life in so many ways and I am thankful for your talents and for all the help you have given me. You are a gift Cindy." - Erin K.