Video Library
Managing Energy and Fear in Gifted Children
Monday, 3.11.13
Cindy speaks to the Loudoun County Parents of Gifted Students on December 12, 2012. Her topic was “Growing Good People; Developing the Social-Emotional Intelligence of Academically Gifted Students.”
Loudoun County Parents of Gifted Students is an independent nonprofit organization that serves families with children who attend private, public or home schools in Loudoun County, Virginia and who are gifted.
view larger >Reinvent Your Life in Business
Tuesday, 12.18.12
Cindy speaks to the Sterling Women’s Group about the super-ego while running exercises that “Go for it.”
view larger >Cindy Welcomes You
Sunday, 1.1.12
Learn about Transformational Healing from Cindy. She speaks about her approach and the benefits of this holistic healing journey.
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