Seven Women of Mason


The George Mason University, Center for the Arts is presenting a documentary play SEVEN, on October 18, 2019. It is a powerful theatrical experience that tells the true stories of seven women from around the globe, who bravely fought to create real and lasting change in their communities.

In an effort to contextualize and localize the theatrical work being presented on the Concert Hall stage, the Seven Women of Mason project was conceived. The goal is to raise awareness of the inspirational stories from our own community. The request was made for stories of Mason women overcoming adversity to influence change and transform their community.

Cindy Battino, BA Economics, 1994, is proud to have been chosen as one of the seven.

“Today was a big day. I was chosen as one of the Seven Women of Mason. A big shout out of gratitude my husband for all of his support. The women and men of George Mason who interviewed me, filmed my story, took my pictures for posters, were so kind and warm-hearted. I can’t wait to see my video and poster.”




The Center for the Arts created short videos that highlight each of the seven women’s stories. These will be shared on digital platforms, including the Center for the Arts’ social media outlets, website, and email communication. In addition, the Center plans to feature the stories with portraits that will be displayed in the Johnson Center and/or Center for the Arts Lobby.

View Cindy’s video at left, now.

Purchase tickets for the October 18th performace


In Your Words

"Cindy is an extremely knowledgeable resource for life skills that lead to more personal happiness and contentment in relationships. I always learn something from Cindy and I’m better for having her in my life."

"Cindy took me from a grief-stricken, unsure, over-extended mess to relieved, self-assured, drama-allergic person with the confidence to return to her well of knowledge when needed."

"Cindy is wonderful at making you aware of the tools you have within yourself to find balance and happiness in your life."

"Divorce coaching is the single best investment I've ever made for myself and my children. I hired Cindy first, even before my attorney. Choosing a lawyer would have gone terribly wrong without Cindy's expertise."