Press & Articles
63014 | Bliss
Lessons Galileo Taught Me One of the best gifts my first husband gave me was a horse for my 40th birthday. I hadn’t ridden since I was a teen More>
6414 | Posh Seven
Seeking the “Santi” in Travel Traveling by oneself can be challenging, but traveling with others presents.. More>
4414 | Posh Seven
Turning Challenges into a Better Life You do what you know – day in, day out. That is life. Suppose life presents us with a challenge that makes us stumble.. More>
2414 | Posh Seven
Getting Through Divorce and Coming Out Whole The more information you have, the more empowered you feel, and the better choices you can make. More>
121613 | Modern DC Business
Staying Focused Through a Divorce Divorce is messy. It deals with the fear of the unknown. It is a roller coaster of emotions. More>
103013 | Modern DC Business
Making Good Managers, Great: Handling Bullies It would be wonderful if we could eliminate the word “bully” and replace it with “warrior”. More>
102913 | Loudoun Woman
Keeping the “Happy” in Your Holidays The holidays are a time and a haven for old patterns and old feelings to play out, bringing out both arguments and anxiety. More>
10813 | Modern DC Business
Making Good Managers, Great: The Needy Employee Having an employee who takes most of your time and is needy is a challenge. Their demand for constant validation can be tiring. More>
10213 | I AM Modern
Boundaries, Budgets, Stress Free Whether your project is repainting a bathroom, buying furniture for your living room More>
91313 | Modern DC Business
Making Good Managers, Great Managing people is difficult. Period. There are personalities, moral codes, needs More>
73013 | Loudoun Woman Magazine
Cindy introduces The Secret Stuff. What is Your Secret Stuff? How can it bring you more happiness and abundance? Read from the Transformational Healing page >
41113 | I AM Modern
Marriage Building Blocks. I once heard a story about an 85-year-old woman whose life mantra was: “Growing older is mandatory. Read the Article.
11912 | Loudoun Business
Cindy Urges Sterling Women To Undergo Transformational Healing “Close your eyes, put your feet flat on the ground…” More>
82312 | Middleburg Eccentric
Reinvent Your Intention Intention means consciously focusing on what you want and need, who you want to be More>
51412 | Middleburg Eccentric
Reinvent Weight Loss There is a societal belief that as we grow up, we need to get serious. More>
4812 | Middleburg Life
Reinvent Your Abundance You might be thinking: “I had abundance but now I have nothing. Those #@$& in Congress More>
3812 | Middleburg Life
Reinvent Your Home A home is just a place that provides shelter, right? Wrong! More>
2912 | Middleburg Life
Reinvent Your Passionate Relationship Four simple rules for making it better than is was at the start. More>
1612 | Middleburg Life
Reinvent Yourself in 2012 Read how to blow away the excuses and achieve your goals, big and small. More>
Transformational Healing Opens in Middleburg Brennan Healing Science Practitioner Cindy Battino celebrated the opening of Transformational Healing.
To find out more about Transformational Healing’s custom presentations and how to book Cindy for a speaking engagement, please contact us via email or by phone at 703-966-7620
In Your Words
“When I first started talking to Cindy, I felt an immediate sense of relief and support. Rather than simply telling me what I wanted to hear, she instead challenged me and helped me find the tools that I needed to heal and strengthen myself. I leave every session feeling more centered, knowing that I have a constant friend and guide in my corner.” C. G.
“I have been very pleased by the seminar series you have done in our office over the last 6 months. I really like the diverse subject matter and the way you mix the physical fitness/ lifestyle material with the energy work information. One of the things that really impresses is the type of conversations people start after attending your workshop. You do a very good job teaching people their health is more than chasing symptoms. The thing that stood out the most was what an excellent practitioner you are. Thank you and blessings." - Dr. Sal Nuccio