Healing Blog

Intention means consciously focusing on what you want and need, who you want to be, how you want to react, and what you want to say. It’s about achieving your longings and goals in life. It’s the difference between a train with or without an engineer.
Intention means consciously focusing on what you want/need, who you want to be, how you want to react, and what you want to say. It’s about achieving your longings and goals in life. It’s the difference between a train with or without an engineer.
Positive and Negative Intention
Positive Intention is the desire to fulfill a goal, dream or longing in your life.
Negative Intention occurs when you unconsciously choose to move away from that goal to feel pleasure in the moment: going after immediate gratification instead of delaying gratification to manifest a dream.
For example: negative intention might be wanting to lose 20 pounds by autumn. You work out with a trainer twice a week and change your eating habits. A couple weeks into your program you have lost five pounds. One day after your workout, you receive a phone call from your mother, or your ex, that sets you off on a negative spiral. On the way home, your thoughts still reeling from this phone call, you decide to go to Cold Stone Creamery for a pint of your favorite ice cream and eat it all as you zone out in front of the TV. The next morning you experience a shame hangover and call yourself all kinds of names. This shame hangover can lead to more undoing.
The Pause
Any change in how you react instinctively requires a Pause - your gateway to move from impulsive action to staying in your positive intention. The Pause allows you to be the engineer on the train. The Pause allows you to create choices in how you respond to the phone call and to the emotions it created within you. As Engineer you can then decide if you really want ice cream or if frozen yogurt will satisfy your craving. As Engineer you take control of your immediate destiny and take responsibility for the consequences that ensue. So, even if you decide to eat ice cream, you release your need for a shame hangover. You resolve to tell your trainer what you did and thus work even harder in the next week.
Life-Changing Positive Intention
We can utilize positive intention for achieving goals. We can also use positive intention to be more present in our life and to be the person we want to be. This includes anything from wanting to release an addiction, being authentic, finding healthy anger & conflict, parenting, creating healthy boundaries, to managing and leading others. By using our conscious focus on these deep interpersonal goals, we can change any aspect of our life.
Write It Down & Read It Out Loud
Stand tall. Throw your chest out. Pull your shoulders back and down. Believe in yourself and what you want to accomplish. State your positive intention out loud to yourself and to anyone else who will listen. Write it down. Post it on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, in your car, on your computer at the office. The more places the better. These visual reminders keep your positive intention in the forefront of your mind. They bring a smile to your face. They motivate you to keep going when things get messy and difficult. They remind you that you deserve all that you long for.
You Don’t Have to do it Alone
When you make these changes, you need the help of others. Others who have the same goals and aspirations, who experience the same struggles, who can see your true longings and give you the strength to run this long race called life. Whether it’s a women’s/men’s night out, therapy, AA, NA, clubs, friends or family – find the support you need.
Get Messy
To make these deep life changes, you need to give up your old habits, patterns and skills that you have spent the last 20-40 years perfecting. You must create new habits, patterns and skills. This will be a messy and haphazard process. You can do it – just don’t give up.
Remember when you first tried to ride your two wheeler? You wobbled. You fell. You scraped your knees. The key to learning a new skill is to take baby steps. Get messy. Each small step takes you one step closer to your goal. Have compassion for yourself while learning the new skills that will bring you where you want to be – where you deserve to be – where your positive intention will take you.
When All Else Fails
Don’t forget the Pause. The Pause makes you the Engineer on your train. The Pause can bring humor to a frustrating situation and allow you to giggle at yourself when you mess up. The Pause allows compassion, clarity and, most importantly, choices.
You can manifest all that you long for and desire. Believe in yourself and don’t give up. Stand loud and proud. Reinvent Your Intention today.