Video Library

| posted by TransformHeal

Cindy speaks to the Loudoun County Parents of Gifted Students on December 12, 2012. Her topic was “Growing Good People; Developing the Social-Emotional Intelligence of Academically Gifted Students.”

Loudoun County Parents of Gifted Students is an independent nonprofit organization that serves families with children who attend private, public or home schools in Loudoun County, Virginia and who are gifted.


Andrea Zeman - Lilyputian was my niece.’ She was always so adbaorle, and full of energy. She was put on this earth because she knew there was someone out there ready to lover her, and that was Chris. I never saw to closer companions. Lily and Chris shared a special bond that can never be erased. The loss of a pet is traumatic, especially, if they share every part of your life with you as did Miss Lily. While the pain lessens as time goes on, Miss Lily will never be forgotten and will always be loved.Auntie Andrea

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