Healing Blog

I have a sign in my office that says: “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Dancing in the rain sounds fun. Playful. Even joyful. It also sounds messy. To some, it’s scary.
Read the article “It’s Hell Being an Entrepreneur - Waiting for the Storm to Pass”

What does happiness look like? Does it look like your friends’ pictures on Facebook? No! Does it look like gratitude, smiles, giggles and feel good moments 24/7? No! Does it look like new, sappy love where you do things you hate because you just want to spend time with them? No! And, really, does happiness look like bouncy, happy, fun, no-stress Tigger? Certainly not.
Read the article “Are you a Tigger, Pooh or Eeyore?”

Are you happy?
Would you describe yourself as a happy person? Do you find yourself chasing happiness only to find that when you’ve arrived, it is fleeting and dissipates quickly?
Join us for the third and final podcast in our series, “Are You a Fierce Woman?” with life coach and author Cindy Battino as she shares keen insights around these questions.
It has been such a treat to meet with Cindy to discuss “Women Feeling Enough,” and “What Does It Look Like to Be Fierce” in our previous interviews, and this one sure felt like a grand finale in this trio series!