
| posted by TransformHeal

Sex is yummy. Sex is delicious. Sex is pleasure and sex is about self-love! My longing is that more and more people can revel in their sexuality. That this sacred place is filled with joy! MORE

| posted by TransformHeal
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“Sit down Cindy. Be quiet Cindy. Be a good girl.” I heard these words over and over from my parents growing up. I am sure they got as sick of saying them as I was from hearing them. My report cards were no different. “Cindy is a bright and lovely child. She would get more out of the class, however, MORE

| posted by TransformHeal
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Shame is one of the lowest resonances of energy we can hold in our bodies and in our field. It physically and mentally feels dark and heavy. Shame makes us feel a part of us is bad, evil, we have done wrong, and it cannot be fixed. MORE