
| posted by TransformHeal
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For many years you were attached emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically with another person. Now that person is not in your life in the same way (or at all), how do you claim back your identity? How do you move forward in a positive way? How do you answer the question: “Who Am I Now?”

In this three hour workshop we will be looking at all that you “lost” in your marriage and divorce so that you can begin to re-define all that is new. We will be asking some deep questions for you to consider and journal. Bring a journal and an adventurous spirit

See this process as an adventure! You have a clean slate. You only have to consider you – your wants, longings, and dreams. It is a beautiful thing to be an adult. Because you can change anything you want…today!

Use the register button below. Registration closes February 15th. You may also register by calling Cindy at: 703-966-7620 or EMAIL Cindy

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Second Saturday is a well-respected, national co-ed program offering monthly workshops to those divorcing, interested in divorce, or recovering from the divorce process.

Our Movin’ On Monday workshops are designed to give you a full scope introduction to divorce by covering topics that directly impact the divorce process and your own well being, all within a supportive environment. We seek out the most experienced and divorce-savvy professionals as guides, who in turn will deliver information designed to help ease your divorce-related worries. Each 2.5 hour workshop will cover financial planning, family law, real estate, and health and wellness. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month.

Evening Schedule:
6:30 Registration
6:40 Financial Issues presented by a CFP®, CDFA™
7:10 Real Estate Issues presented by a Realtor®
7:40 Legal Issues presented by a divorce attorney
8:10 Family Issues presented by Cindy Battino, ACSM, CCS
8:40 Q & A

Cindy Battino owner of Transformational Healing, brings her refreshing view regarding the impact divorce has on your relationships, work and home life, and how you can best work through this troubling time in your life.

Second Saturday Site

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Second Saturday is a free co-ed presentation for individuals confronting issues of separation, divorce, post-divorce, child custody, child support, and visitation.
These issues touch many aspects of your life, from legal, to the emotional and financial. How do you prepare for this? Start by educating yourself as quickly as possible.

We have a great speaker schedule this weekend, including:
Cindy Battino owner of Transformational Healing, is returning to bring her refreshing view regarding the impact divorce has on your relationships, work and home life, and how you can best work through this troubling time in your life.

Please RSVP to Christian M. Lapham at [email protected] to save a slot. We will have coffee and light refreshments.