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We meet the 2nd Monday of each month

Group Intention: Transitions in life means that it’s time for change. The truth, however, is that it is difficult to go from the known to the unknown. We must blaze a new path.

The group will start with a meditation and move on to an experiential, based on the topic of the evening. It will end with Q&A time. Sample topics: Self-care, it’s not Selfish; Facing your Fears; Opening Up the Possibilities; Balance – Finding Other Choices.

Bring a pad, pencil, open mind and an open heart.

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This FREE 30 minute talk is held the 4th Monday of each month.

Do you feel stuck? Are you ready to stop unwanted patterns in your life? Would you like to re-find your joy, inspiration & passion for life?

This presentation begins with a 15 minute talk that explains Energy Work in the context of the Brennan Healing Science and how it can transform your life. After the 15 minute talk there will be a 20 minute Q&A period.

If you are curious about this healing modality, this is the place to be!

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We meet the 2nd Monday of each month

Group Intention: Transitions in life means that it’s time for change. The truth, however, is that it is difficult to go from the known to the unknown. We must blaze a new path.

The group will start with a meditation and move on to an experiential, based on the topic of the evening. It will end with Q&A time. Sample topics: Self-care, it’s not Selfish; Facing your Fears; Opening Up the Possibilities; Balance – Finding Other Choices.

Bring a pad, pencil, open mind and an open heart.