Healing Blog

Happiness Minis: An Inspirational Video Series
As adults, we are just big kids. Most likely if you were shy as a kid, you are shy as an adult. We say kids are mean, but we all know lots of adults that are mean too. Kids learn through repetition – and so do adults. That’s why there is a 100 time rule. MORE

Happiness Minis: An Inspirational Video Series
There is a common belief among couples that their partner should intuitively be aware what they need. “We’ve been together forever. My partner should know I need a hug when I’m unhappy. And if he loved me; then he would know I do not want a vacuum for Christmas.” MORE

Cindy’s journey to find happiness and self-worth as led her on a path to help other realize what is within their grasp.
Follow her from a “happy marriage” to education and healing and in turn helping other realize their dreams and potential.
Read the article in the Loudoun Business Journal.