Healing Blog

Dear Cynthia:
I am going through a divorce, and the stress is affecting my energy level. All the important decisions to consider, the emotions I experience, trying to make sure the kids are OK, and dealing with my soon-to-be-ex is just too much. I am not sleeping or eating well. MORE

Dear Divorcing Couples:
Learn from my mistakes: Downsize, downsize and downsize some more after divorce!
A GREAT friend and divorce financial guru, Bonnie Sewell with American Capital Planning, preaches each month at Second Saturday about cutting back after divorce. “You have to go down before you can go back up.” She tells those that will listen MORE

Dear Cynthia:
I went from a full-time mom before my divorce to now a working mom. Summer is coming and my children will be home all day. Without just shoving them onto their friends’ families, what can you suggest I do for care this summer? -Sad Mom Missing Fun Summers
Dear Cynthia:
I am a newly divorced dad and I will have my kids for a few consecutive weeks in the summer. I can only take one week off for vacation. What do I do? -Single, Summer Dad
Dear Sad Mom Missing Fun Summers & Single, Summer Dad:
This is an adjustment for all parents and kids who had a working parent and a full-time caregiving parent. I have several suggestions and hope some of them work for you. MORE